A family run business now in its third generation, Univogue traces its roots back to the 1970's. With each generation, the company sees a renewed endeavor for excellence.
In order to stay on par with the ever evolving apparel industry, Univogue is committed towards constant development and learning. We also believe in investing in our people and utilizing out finances in a resourceful manner.
We have consistently placed an emphasis on quality, and this dedication to superior service and products has led to a portfolio of high-profile clients and business partners.
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Finalize Plan
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Company Name : Univogue Garments Company Limited.
Legal Status: 100% Foreign Investment and "A" Type Garments Manufacturing Company
Nature of Business: Garment Manufacturing and Exporting mainly to USA & Canada.
Nature of Business: Garment Manufacturing and Exporting mainly to USA & Canada.
Main Office: Sector 1/A, Plot 1-5, CEPZ, Chittagong, Bangladesh.
Univogue Garments LLC, 303 Fifth Avenue,Suite 708, New York, NY 10016.
Univoguecode of conduct
Legal Requirements
As a reputed company, Univogue has been maintaining all legal and statutory requirements of the country.
Company is maintaining minimum wages; working hours, overtime and other related requirements as per prevailing laws of the country.
Wages, Pay Slips, Attendance
Company maintains workers attendance, wages, pay slips, leave records …etc electronically through software and Biometric figure Scanners.
Child Labor
Child labor is strictly prohibited in the factory and no worker is allowed below 18 years for any employment. National ID, Birth Certificate, Doctor’s Age determination documents and physical appearances are verified before offering any employment to any worker.
WRAP (Worldwide Responsible Apparel Production)
WRAP (Worldwide Responsible Apparel Production) is the most recognized compliance standard in the United States for the apparel industry. It is an independent, non-profit organization that endorses the certification of lawful, humane and ethical manufacturing of apparel throughout the
world. The Univogue Group is a member of its Certification Program, and has been awarded the certificates of compliance, with the distinction of obtaining the fastest certification worldwide and is among very few companies in the world to be WRAP certified. These awards recognize that Univogue products are manufactured under these stipulated conditions, which cover not only ethical labor, but health and safety, environmental protection and supply chain security too.
Harassment and Abuse
It is the company’s strict policy to make sure no harassment or abusive behaviour takes place inside the factory premises and whoever gets directly involved or encouraged such activities will be dealt immediately based on company policy for disciplinary actions. Further, the Management of the company has a very positive attitude towards worker’s grievances and takes all grievances very seriously.
Health, Safety & Welfare
All measures are adopted in the factory to provide maximum health and safety arrangements to all our employees. A Qualified Doctor and trained Nurses are employed full time along with health center for health
service and emergency treatment of employees. Further the company is an active member of BEPZA medical center which provides emergency medical services to all employees of its members free charge. Appropriate lighting facilities, pure drinking water, proper ventilation, adequate exit doors, free access to all firefighting equipment, adequate and unblocked walk ways throughout the factory, one toilet for each 25
employees, adequate firefighting equipment, all kinds of safety equipment for workers where ever applicable and dining hall with
seating capacity for minimum 35% of total workers are maintained by the factory.
ISO 9001:2015
The ISO 9001 certification is part of a system of quality management standards stipulated by the international Organization for Standardization (ISO). Currently, all units (1, 2, 3, & 4) of Univogue are ISO 9001:2015 certified. What this means is that the company is
required to meet the customer’s quality and regulatory requirements in order to provide customer satisfaction and maintain an improved performance to address and maintain quality management.
It is Univogue’s policy to ensure affirmative action in providing equal opportunities without regard to race, religion, creed, color, sex, age or national origin except where age or sex is bona fide occupational qualification. Further it is prohibited to conduct any kind of maternity test before selection of any female worker for employment.
Security Concern
The Company is very much concerned about Access Controls, Physical Security, Procedural Security, Personnel Security and Education & Awareness Training on all security concerns. CCTV surveillance Camera Operate 24*7 in place to prevent any kind of un-authorized or un-identified access to the factory premises.
Right of Association
Workers are allowed to form Lawful Association.
Univogue which is ISO 14001:2004, WRAP, & WCA certified in addition to possessing an Environmental Protection License from the Environmental Authority, encourages the recycling process, while attempting to reduce the waste generated by its processes. Univogue continuously monitors noise levels, ambient air quality, temperatures and treated waste water to ensure standard compliance and eliminate discharge of toxic gases.
ISO 14001:2004
The ISO 14001:2004 certification is part of a family that covers environmental management standards developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). To comply with this standard, an organization needs to minimize harmful impact on the environment by its activities, and to maintain these in keeping with an improved environmental performance. Currently, all the Univogue units have successfully implemented this certification.
Our People
The new frontiers explored and initiatives we have pioneered have paved the way to growth, expansion and success. Over the years, challenges we’ve faced have been overcome due to the drive and dynamism of
an amazing team of talented individuals. They are our apparel technocrats. Their outstanding drive embraces challenges to find solutions, turning threats into opportunities. Today, their passion and inspiration finds solutions for global brands through innovation, high-end technology and customer service excellence. Our Social Agenda includes a resolute stance on gender equality, non-discriminatory practices, child labor and employment of the differently- able. Some of our certifications, e.g. the WRAP certification, WCA are stringent on
social disclosures and practices, insisting on absolute conformance to those principles. Our associates have risen to this challenge to
retain a premier position within the industry. The Group’s significant growth is reflected in the increase of associate numbers to over
Forced Labor
Forced labor is strictly prohibited in the factory and there are no prisoners, bonded labor or any kind of forced labor.
LEED Certification
Univogue is proud to receive the recent global recognition for its Univogue Unit 1. The plant received Silver rating in August 2015 under
the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating System of the US Green Building Council (USGBC). The rating is a third party certification programme and America’s benchmark for design, construction and operation of high performance green buildings. It encourages and hastens global adoption of sustainable eco-friendly building and development practices.
Univogue CSR - Medical Camp
A huge medical camp was organized by Corporate Social Responsibility of Univogue and support of its major buyer Haggar-USA. on June 2014 and March 2018. This giant CSR project was volunteered by Chittagong
Medical and 50 doctors and 10 specialists participated. Approximately 4500 participants availed the facility of medical checkups and they were supplied with free medicines and 200 were prescribed for spectacles.